
An element that makes it easy to embed comics on your site

With a tiny bit of code you can easily embed comics on your site.

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/comic-reader@0.6.2/mod.js"></script>
<comic-reader src="https://example.com/whiz-comics-01.cbz"></comic-reader>

# Features

# Fast, efficient comic reader

<comic-reader> efficiently recycles DOM nodes to ensure that transitioning between pages remains at 60fps.

Click on the right side of the page to navigate forward, then try clicking on the left side of the page to navigate back.

# Customizable toolbar

The reader can be scaled to fit the device's width, height. It can be put into full-screen mode for a dedicated reading experience. The browse view lets users navigate pages within the book. Click within the middle of the view to see the toolbar animate in and out.

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